
英文自傳 Autobiographies/Personal Statements


台灣的外商公司通常要求應徵工作者寄英文履歷表和應徵信(cover letter),不過應徵本國公司工作時,應徵者的中英文履歷表、中英文自傳卻不可少,據101人力銀行調查發現,有8成的業主表示,如果沒有看到應徵者的中英文自傳就不會主動聯絡應徵者前來面試,所以在台灣應徵者撰寫自傳時不可不慎重。
坊間許多制式的英文自傳都以姓名和出生年月日開頭,如My name is Ming-feng Tsai. I was born on May 14, 1982.接下來就是寫自己家庭背景,許多不知如何下筆的應徵者一律照本宣科,結果每位應徵者都是「出身一個快樂幸福的家庭,爸媽很注重子女的教育。」

Writing your personal statement can be one of the most satisfying–or frustrating–writing experiences you’ll ever have.
The personal statement is an important part of your application package. Depending on the topic you choose, the essay you write provides additional evidence of your intellectual and creative achievement. The essay is also the only opportunity for the readers of your application to get a feel for you as a person as well as for you as a student. The essay is also the place where you can put your academic record into the context of your opportunities and obstacles.
There is no one correct way to write a personal statement, but in general those who will read your essay are looking for two important things:
• HOW the essay provides evidence of your achievements that isn’t reflected in other parts of your application
• HOW and WHY the events that you describe have shaped your attitude, focus, and, most of all, your intellectual vitality.
