


  • 總結論點—總結前述研究結果,並再次強調論點,加強讀者印象。但一樣的話記得換個方式表達,不要再用相同的語句,以免讓讀者視覺疲勞而失去興趣。
  • 呼應主題—研究成果得到的答案不一定只是只有正反黑白兩面,重點是這些答案如何呼應主題,又隱藏了什麼更廣的含義,是否能激起讀者的共鳴或是新的思考方向。
  • 展望未來­—科學研究無止盡,總是有下一步的研究計畫(future plans)或是經由此次研究發現的值得探索的新領域,都可在結尾時提出;這一方面可展現作者對研究專題的規劃,另一方面則有助吸引更多同儕關注,利於尋求有共同興趣的研究合作夥伴。
Trzeciak and Mackay (1994) observe a number of useful “ingredients" that form part of a conclusion. Again (as with introductions) it will not always be necessary or desirable to include all the elements they mention. However, you will probably want to use some of these in some combination, in order to conclude your work.
  • summary of the main part of the text
  • deduction made on the basis of the main body
  • Your personal opinion on what has been discussed
  • A statement about the limitations of the work
  • comment about the future based on what has been discussed
  • The implications of the work for future research
  • Important facts and figures not mentioned in the main body
Pallant (2004), meanwhile, sees the conclusion slightly differently. She argues that the conclusion should “leave (the reader) with a clear impression that the purposes of the essay have been achieved" (English for Academic Study: Writing: Reading, Garnet Pulishers, p. 41). Pallant sees five basic ingredients of a conclusion as follows, though these will not always be used in the same conclusion.:
  • summary of the main points (being careful not to repeat exactly what you have written before)
  • Concluding statements
  • Recommendations
  • Predictions
  • Solutions